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121 items found for "emotions"

  • The Power of Knowing Yourself: How Self-Awareness Benefits Both Kids and Adults

    emotional regulation is a huge step in self-awareness. More intense sad emotions, such as numbness, are a deeper blue color while less intense sad emotions From what I learned, being able to name that emotion and practice emotional regulation is a huge step One artifact I created was that idea of the scale of emotions and feelings. I expounded upon the idea of emotional regulation.

  • The Journey of Learning to Have Compassion for Yourself and Others

    I need to process through the emotions and it isn’t pretty.

  • Uncovering Your Values: My Favorite Continuing Education Course for Personal Development

    Developingarelationshipwithyourself #mindset #mentalhealth #wellness #students #empowerment #teachers #emotionalintelligence

  • The Power of Morning Meds: How Starting Your Day with Mindfulness Can Transform Your Life

    Written by Kayla Reetz, Trauma Supports Team Member + Yoga Teacher "One for me, one for my family, and one for my work...” This is the phrase I repeat to myself out loud as I light each wick of my candle to start my morning meditation - or morning meds as I like to say. I learned this trick from Molly Schreiber, Challenge to Change’s Founder and CEO, when she shared what her morning meditation practice looked like when I participated in her Meditation with Meaning Challenge. In Molly’s video, she had three separate candles, each with a specific phrase on them that reminded her of her intentions to herself, her family, and her work. She showed a small table with her journal, her affirmation cards, her malas, and a few other items she preferred for her morning work. My candle is a three wick candle from Walmart. Nothing special. Its scent is a fruity one- something my husband picked out. I have my Positive Affirmations card deck, along with my journals and a Psalm book with a daily devotional in it as well- something I added later on in my work. I keep these things on the end table shelf by my bed. I dig them out each day and I put them back before the next. I share that only because sometimes I think we can get caught up in the stuff we “need” to start something new. Originally, I thought I needed a designated space to do my morning work. I also thought I needed to have all the “right” things to do it the “right” way. But, I was wrong. Recently, my husband and I moved in with my parents by choice. Yes, you read that correctly. And yes, we are a little crazy. I could have stopped my practice, easily blaming it on the transition and effort from the move, but I continued with it, which has now translated into my “morning meds”. Not a magic pill or drink or even food. Just time to sit with my thoughts and process both the outer world and my inner world. I don’t really meditate in the sense of sitting criss-cross yogi sauce saying “om” all the time either. For me, it’s always about my journaling practice. I put on some non-lyrical, relaxing music. Then, I choose an affirmation card, read the day’s psalm devotion, and I look at my Developing a Relationship with Yourself journal and follow its directions. Next, I write in my personal journal, usually starting by reiterating the things I want to focus on at the top of the page. Through this practice, I ask myself questions that never really get asked in the busyness of life. Things like: what I consider my strengths to be my core values who sits in my theatre (referring to my supports and how they support me) These are the important questions that we assume everyone knows and considers and lives out, but that we usually don't take the time to ask. Showing up this way has helped me to know myself a little more. It has taught me how to choose myself with appropriate boundaries and expectations. And it even helped me to give of myself in healthier ways, helping me to be more intentional with my time and efforts. Have I got it all “figured out”? Nope. Not even close. Do I have more tools to work with and a better understanding of how those tools work for me? Abso-freakin’-lutely. And it all started because I sit on my bed, drag out my books, a pen, and I write. I process. I allow myself to consider options before I take them out on someone else. I take my morning meds so that I can be the best version of myself to the people in my life. I am no doctor, but I certainly prescribe this type of med for you. Namaste ~ Kayla Reetz Learn more about the Meditation with Meaning Challenge! P.S. You can find that our entire library of meditations, yoga and fitness on our ONLINE WELLNESS PLATFORM, the C2C Hub. Members get access to all monthly challenges too. Get a free 2-week trial! #blog #blogpost #mindful #mindfulness #Kayla #selfcare #burnout #meditation #meditationwithmeaning #KCG

  • 5 Mindfulness Techniques to Help Overcome Text Anxiety

    and energy Movement videos and yoga sequences Guided mindfulness audio tracks Mindful games + social-emotional

  • The Power of Love: Transforming Lives and Shaping the World

    Love is not merely an emotion; it is a guiding principle that shapes our relationships, influences our Learn to empower yourself with your emotions in my newest meditation challenge! P.S. of your emotions. you will: Watch a short video Write down the emotion that you are feeling. #emotionschallenge

  • Kids & The Happiness Advantage: Part 7

    So much so that one study found that people who had emotional support during six months after a heart

  • The Surprising Health Benefits of Joy: How Joy Improves your Mental and Physical Health

    ." - Joseph Campbell We are so blessed to have a plethora of emotions. At C2C, we work on helping humans of all ages navigate emotions in a healthy way. I like to think of emotions as data from our soul. Recently, I have been focusing on the emotion of joy. of your emotions.

  • Incorporating Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Lessons into Daily Routine: A Guide for Parents and Teachers

    Yoga helps improve flexibility, strength, and coordination, while mindfulness cultivates attention and emotional Encouraging children to express their feelings and emotions through creative outlets like drawing or Change, we utilize the seven parts of practice to increase a mind/body connection, encourage social-emotional Encouraging open dialogue, active listening, and empathy can enhance children's social and emotional are designed to help your students connect their minds, bodies and hearts and teach valuable social-emotional

  • 5 Tips to Gracefully Navigate Life's Transitions

    Studies have also found that positive emotions and attitudes can be contagious, leading people to be I am not turning a blind eye to my emotions.  I know that dropping each on off at college this year will be emotional but will lead everyone to the #c2c #challengetochange #blog #blogger #mollyschreiber #mindfuleducationinschools #emotions #selfcare

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