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At Challenge to Change, Inc., we're driven by a profound belief: leaving the world better than we found it. Our Corporate Kindness Program embodies the core values of Truthfulness, Kindness, and Connection. Join us in cultivating emotionally intelligent teams dedicated to promoting safe, healthy, and supportive work environments.

Cultivating Kindness.
Empowering Workplaces.

Mindful Education in Workplaces

Offerings for Workplaces


  • Keynotes and Lunch and Learns

  • Retreat Day Packages

  • Workplace Self-Care

  • Workplace Trainings

In the realm of constantly changing modern workplaces, various challenges pose significant obstacles to productivity and organizational well-being. Left unaddressed, conflicts within the workplace can escalate, fostering toxicity and eroding trust.

The consequences of inaction are profound, posing a threat to long-term growth and the organization’s bottom line. Proactive measures are essential to address these challenges effectively and ensure the long-term viability of the organization.

Common challenges in the workplace can include:

  • Misunderstandings, lack of clarity, and poor communication channels can hinder productivity and collaboration. Communication breakdowns, for instance, can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships among team members, potentially undermining collaboration.

  • Conflicts can spill over into customer interactions, leading to poor service and a negative customer experience. This can damage the organization's reputation and affect business relationships.  A workplace rife with conflict can drive employees to seek employment elsewhere. High turnover rates can be costly due to recruitment, training, and the loss of institutional knowledge.

  • Excessive workloads can lead to chronic stress and burnout, reducing overall employee well-being and leading to increased absenteeism and turnover.  Continuous high workloads can contribute to physical and mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and various stress-related illnesses.

  • Healthcare providers who practice mindfulness may demonstrate greater empathy, compassion, and presence with their patients. This can lead to improved communication, trust, and satisfaction in the patient-provider relationship.

    Ineffective leadership, micromanagement, or lack of direction can demotivate employees and hinder performance. Inadequate leadership further compounds these issues, leaving employees feeling directionless and unsupported. This can exacerbate tensions, stifling innovation and driving valuable talent away.

  • Toxic work environments, lack of diversity and inclusion, or a culture that doesn't prioritize employee well-being can impact morale and retention.  Organizations with poor workplace cultures can develop a bad reputation, making it difficult to attract top talent and potentially driving away customers or clients who are aware of the internal issues.

  • Adapting to changes in the organization, such as restructuring, new technology implementations, or shifts in strategy, can be disruptive and challenging for employees.  An unhealthy culture can stifle creativity and innovation, as employees may fear taking risks or speaking up. This can hinder the organization's ability to grow and adapt to changing markets.

  • Striking a balance between work responsibilities and personal life can be difficult, leading to stress and decreased job satisfaction. Heavy workloads may result in employee burnout and diminished morale which can impact the employee turnover.  Employees struggling with heavy workloads may find it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, leading to further stress and dissatisfaction both at work and at home.

  • Employees in unhealthy cultures are often disengaged and less likely to invest their time and effort into their work, which can impact overall organizational performance and success.  Employees overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks may have less time and energy to pursue professional development opportunities, hindering their career growth and advancement within the organization.

At Challenge to Change, Inc., our ethos is simple yet powerful: 'Make the world around you better than you found it.' This guiding principle has been ingrained in our organization since its inception, starting with the students we initially served.

As we've evolved as an organization, we've recognized the importance of fostering a culture defined by kindness, truthfulness, and clarity. These virtues serve as the foundational pillars of our corporate kindness mentality, shaping the way we interact within our community and beyond.


As the name suggests, the first pillar of Corporate Kindness is: Kindness! It is essential to be clear in the hard discussions, but just as important to be kind. In the past, kindness was a natural part of human interaction, but it has become less prioritized. At C2C, we believe in being honest with who we are and honoring our social emotional makeup. We don’t try to change our feelings and emotions, but navigate them. As we do this, we have a better understanding of where others are coming from. This allows us to act with empathy and compassion- two essential elements in kindness.


The second pillar of Corporate Kindness is Truthfulness. It starts with recognizing our own truths. At C2C, we emphasize social-emotional learning, which begins with understanding who we are and our core values. Knowing ourselves allows us to make better decisions for ourselves and those around us. Understanding our core beliefs helps us navigate challenges and conflicts more effectively, as they often stem from threats to our fundamental truths.


This brings us to our third pillar of Corporate Kindness: Connection. When we are clear about our truths, we can envision and live aligned with our personal values, fostering genuine connections rather than feeling threatened in the workplace. Instead of coveting our neighbors' successes, we appreciate them, fostering mutual admiration. By living authentically and fostering connections, we're equipped to engage in difficult conversations, express vulnerability, and understand the impact of our actions on others.

Team Portrait

Building Strong Relationships

Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to stay with an organization. Leaders with emotional intelligent teams can build strong, trust-based relationships with their team members, leading to increased loyalty and commitment

“Company culture and conscious workspace are so important to our team at The Health Spa by Vive IV Therapy.  How can we as employees, show up to our patients to make a difference in their lives so it ripples out to their families, friends and every patient we interact with, and the ripples keep going? That's what heals the world. So grateful for this opportunity and excited to think of other ways in the future to continue to enhance this work.”

Stephanie Grutz
Owner, Vive/Balanced Integration
Open Communication

Fosters an enviroment of transparency, where open commuinciation flurishes, mitigating misunderstandings and conflict

Enhanced Productivity

Enables teams to align their efforts with shared goals and values, thus streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity

Support and Respect

Kindness acts as a catalyst for empathy and understanding, nurturing a culture of support and respect where individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute their best

Building Strong Relationships

Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to stay with an organization. Leaders with emotional intelligent teams can build strong, trust-based relationships with their team members, leading to increased loyalty and commitment

Reduced Turnover

Conflict resolution skills are essential for maintaining positive work relationships and reducing turnover. Emotionally intelligent leaders can better navigate conflicts with empathy and understanding, finding mutually beneficial solutions that preserve employee morale and engagement.

In the dynamic landscape of today's workplaces, embracing the principles of truthfulness, clarity, and kindness can serve as powerful tools in overcoming the myriad challenges that often arise.

By embodying these virtues, organizations can navigate change, cultivate resilience, and foster inclusive, thriving workplaces where every member feels seen, heard, and appreciated.

Corporate Wellness Benefits
Friends Talking Outside

Fosters an enviroment of transparency, where open commuinciation flurishes, mitigating misunderstandings and conflict

Open Communication
Applicants in the waiting room

Conflict resolution skills are essential for maintaining positive work relationships and reducing turnover.  Emotionally intelligent leaders can better navigate conflicts with empathy and understanding, finding mutually beneficial solutions that preserve employee morale and engagement.

Reduced Turnover
Supportive Friend
Support and Respect

Kindness acts as a catalyst for empathy and understanding, nurturing a culture of support and respect where individuals feel valued and empowered to contribute their best

Holding Notes

Enables teams to align their efforts with shared goals and values, thus streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity     

Enhanced Productivity 

Corporate Kindness Certification 

Unlock the full potential of your team with Challenge to Change’s Corporate Kindness Certification, an intensive program designed to embed kindness and compassion deeply into your organizational culture. This comprehensive certification provides your staff with the tools, training, and ongoing support needed to create a workplace that thrives on kindness, truthfulness and connection.

Transform Workplace Culture:

Establish a solid foundation of kindness and empathy, leading to a more harmonious and effective work environment.

Enhance Employee Engagement:

Foster a supportive atmosphere where employees feel valued and connected, boosting morale and productivity.

Promote Long-Term Growth:

Equip your team with the skills and mindset needed for sustained personal and professional growth.

Why Pursue Corporate Kindness for your team?
  • Immerse your team in an eight-hour, hands-on training session covering the principles and practices of corporate kindness. Engage in interactive activities designed to foster empathy, collaboration, and a positive workplace environment.

  • Receive a curated set of tools to facilitate regular check-ins bringing balance and calm and promoting continuous connection and support among team members.

  • Access a digital, on-demand wellness platform with a large library of yoga, meditation, and fitness videos, plus monthly challenges and masterclasses.

  • Benefit from weekly emails filled with actionable tips, tools, and inspirational content to keep kindness at the forefront of your team’s daily activities.

  • Enjoy two follow-up sessions within the year to reinforce training concepts, address challenges, and celebrate successes.

  • CC-logo-color-tagline.png

    Gain access to two live Corporate Kindness-focused Masterclasses via Zoom offering advanced insights and strategies into your current team challenges and opportunities for growth.

  • Upon completion, receive a prestigious Corporate Kindness Certificate, branded with your company’s name, symbolizing your commitment to a kind and compassionate workplace.

  • Benefit from a dedicated support contact at C2C, providing personalized assistance and guidance throughout the certification process.

  • Conclude the certification year with an additional training day to review progress, refresh skills, and set new kindness goals for the upcoming year.

Certification Program Includes:


  • Mindfulness sessions equip employees with stress management tools to help boost focus and bolster well-being. Techniques like breathing exercises aid employees in staying calm during high-pressure tasks.  
    Body scans can help alleviate tension and discomfort, vital for desk-bound employees. Cultivating present-moment awareness enhances concentration and productivity, fostering engagement at work. This beginner-friendly session fosters a supportive, stress-resilient workplace, leading to happier, more engaged employees.

  • Discover the power of mindfulness as a stress and anxiety management tool in the workplace. Learn practical techniques to stay calm and centered amidst professional challenges, such as workload management, conflict resolution, and effective communication.


    Gain hands-on experience with mindfulness practices like guided mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and mindful listening. These techniques help individuals manage stress, prioritize tasks effectively, and maintain focus to manage time efficiently.

  • Equip employees with the emotional intelligence (EQ) skills to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and emotional triggers, enabling improved decision-making and interpersonal interactions. Assist employees in navigating interpersonal dynamics adeptly, promoting trust, collaboration, and cohesive team relationships. Enhance communication effectiveness, foster empathetic listening, and facilitate the discovery of mutually beneficial conflict resolutions, thereby fostering stronger and more resilient teams.

Keynotes + Lunch & Learns + Masterclasses (1-2 hrs)

This option offers a quick session focused on a mindfulness topic tailored to your group's needs. These interactive sessions are great for fostering concentration, stress management, and positive communication.
Below are several potential topics we can cover during your session:

Cultivating Kindness and Connection


Challenge to Change’s Corporate Kindness Retreats offer a transformative experience designed to cultivate compassion, enhance team connections, and foster a positive workplace culture.  Our retreat offers a perfect escape from the daily grind, providing a sanctuary where your team can reconnect, recharge, and revitalize.

Corporate Kindness Retreats are designed to rejuvenate your team's spirit, enhance their health, and foster a culture of well-being. This retreat can be customized to fit your schedule, ranging from a 2-hour introduction to a comprehensive 8-hour all-staff retreat day.  Whether you choose a brief introduction or an immersive full-day experience, our retreat will leave your team feeling inspired, motivated, and more connected than ever before. 



    • Elevate Work Performance: Kindness-driven teams are more collaborative and productive, leading to better performance outcomes.

    • Boost Morale: Foster a supportive environment that enhances job satisfaction and team spirit.

    • Create a Positive Workplace Culture: Establish a foundation of kindness that permeates your organization, leading to a more harmonious and effective work environment.

Corporate Kindness Workplace Retreats (2-8 hours)
  • Introduction to Corporate Kindness


    Ideal for: Quick team-building sessions or as part of a larger corporate event.


    Begin your journey with an introduction to the principles of Corporate Kindness: Kindness, Truthfulness, and Compassion.  Engage in inspiring activities designed to promote empathy and strengthen connections among team members.

  • Exploring the Pillars of Corporate Kindness

    Ideal for: Half-day workshops focusing on team cohesion and growing interpersonal skills.

    Dive deeper into corporate kindness with activities centered around its three core pillars: Kindness, Truthfulness, and Compassion. This session includes practical exercises to integrate kindness into daily work routines.

  • Comprehensive Corporate Kindness Experience

    Ideal for: Staff development days aimed at creating lasting change and deeply ingraining the principles of kindness within your team.

    Experience an in-depth exploration of corporate kindness with a full day of interactive wellness activities. This program includes all the elements of the 4-hour retreat, plus digital starter kits for ongoing staff connection and a 1-year subscription to the C2C Hub, our on-demand wellness platform, for all staff.

Emotional Intelligence 
Full Staff Certification

Transform your workplace culture with Challenge to Change’s Emotional Intelligence Certification tailored to enhance the skills and capabilities of your entire staff. In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environments, emotional intelligence is not just a desirable trait, but an essential one. Emotional intelligence plays a critical role in fostering a positive workplace culture, driving employee engagement, and ultimately, improving organizational performance. Our certification program offers a comprehensive solution to equip your staff with the emotional intelligence tools they need to thrive in the modern workplace.   Success isn't just about what you know; it's about how well you understand and manage your emotions, and those of others. Our certification equips you with the profound insights and practical tools to navigate the complexities of human emotions with finesse, empowering you to foster deeper connections, make better decisions, and lead with authenticity and empathy. The KCG Framework: Know. Choose. Give. Our curriculum is rooted in the innovative Know. Choose. Give. Framework designed to catalyze real-world change.  The KCG Framework was developed by groundbreaking work of Dr. Liza Johnson and 6 Seconds. Through a transformative blend of theory, practice, and experiential learning, our program delves into the core principles of emotional intelligence. You'll gain a deep understanding of self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management—the pillars of emotional intelligence. Finally, you'll discover the power of Giving—using your emotional intelligence to build stronger connections, resolve conflicts constructively, and inspire positive change in your personal and professional spheres. With just one eight-hour day of training and nine one-and-a-half hour KCG (Know. Choose. Give.) Emotional Intelligence work sessions spread throughout the year, your team will embark on a transformative journey towards heightened self-awareness, effective communication, and enhanced interpersonal relationships. Together, let's create a workplace where kindness, truthfulness, and compassion thrive, driving long-term success for your organization. Led by seasoned experts in emotional intelligence, you'll engage in dynamic discussions, interactive exercises, and real-world case studies that bring theory to life. You'll also have the opportunity to apply your newfound skills in a supportive environment, receiving personalized feedback and guidance every step of the way.  Each session is meticulously structured to provide practical insights and actionable strategies that your staff can implement immediately. From managing stress and conflict resolution to fostering empathy and building resilience, our program covers the full spectrum of emotional intelligence competencies essential for success in today's competitive landscape.

Benefits of Challenge to Change’s Emotional Intelligence Certification Program:
Enhanced Workplace Relationships:

Develop stronger interpersonal skills and foster healthier relationships among team members, leading to improved collaboration, communication, and teamwork.

Improved Leadership Effectiveness:

Equip your managers and team leaders with the emotional intelligence competencies needed to inspire and motivate their teams, driving higher levels of engagement, productivity, and retention.

Reduced Conflict and Stress:

Learn strategies for effectively managing conflict and stress, leading to a more harmonious work environment and higher levels of employee well-being and satisfaction.

Increased Resilience:

Build resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks, empowering your staff to adapt to change more effectively and bounce back from adversity with confidence.

Enhanced Decision-Making:

Cultivate self-awareness and self-regulation skills that enable your staff to make more informed, rational decisions, even in high-pressure situations.

Positive Workplace Culture:

Create a culture of empathy, kindness, and inclusivity within your organization, where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to perform at their best.

Greater Client and Customer Satisfaction:

Improve customer interactions and satisfaction by equipping your staff with the emotional intelligence skills needed to understand and empathize with customer needs and concerns.


Program Features


You'll learn to Know your emotions, recognizing their signals and understanding their impact on your thoughts and behaviors. 


You'll then develop the ability to Choose your responses consciously, rather than reacting impulsively, enabling you to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. 


Finally, you'll discover the power of Giving—using your emotional intelligence to build stronger connections, resolve conflicts constructively, and inspire positive change in your personal and professional spheres.

Comprehensive Training

One eight-hour day of immersive training followed by nine one-and-a-half hour KCG (Know. Choose. Give.) Emotional Intelligence work sessions throughout the year.

Continous Learning

Access to one year of staff challenges designed to reinforce learning and encourage ongoing growth and development.

Recognition and Certification

Each participant receives a certification and a branded Corporate Kindness Certificate, showcasing your organization's commitment to nurturing emotional intelligence and fostering a positive work environment.

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